Hagen Artley

If you are fascinated by Human Design, or are looking for support in your personal growth and development, then we’ll probably have a pretty good time together. 

Regenerative Human Design is an evolving practice, so feel free to connect with us to talk about our offering.

A little about me

“Plenty of undiscovered territory here. I grew up in Ghent (Flanders, Belgium), moved to Chengdu (Sichuan, China) as a teenager, acquired a taste for multicultural environments, and then continued to migrate around for a decade. 

Along the way, I became interested in economics & systems-thinking and went on to study regenerative economics (MA Economics for Transition) at Schumacher College (Dartington, UK). Here I was immersed in a nexus of economics and sustainability, holistic science and spirituality, ecological design thinking and art, regenerative agriculture and community living.

Just before, I had been introduced to the Human Design system and began my experiment studying the teachings of Ra Uru Hu and observing what they revealed in practice. Eventually, I was invited into the foundation courses and professional formation at the International Human Design School and BG5 Career & Business Institute. 

After graduating from university, I volunteered at Siendo Naturaleza (Cordillera Escalera, Tarapoto, Peru), a regenerative association based in the cloud forest, dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity and youth empowerment through holistic education rooted in the idea of ‘being nature’. 

When the covid lockdowns began, I returned to Europe where my health took a complicated nosedive. A friend introduced me to Organic Intelligence, which helped me recover my ability to walk, rest, exercise and sleep by helping me unravel chronic pain and stress disorders. It has restored my ability to remain present, to connect socially, and enjoy the life I have. 

On all accounts, what I have experienced through Human Design and Organic Intelligence has been beyond what I could have imagined. When Alannah and I met to explore these frameworks together, a whole world of discovery and wonder opened up that I now feel honored to share with you. 

These are very challenging times on the planet. The problems are complex, the suffering very real, and our politics maddening. It’s easy to get stuck in the chaos. Here I hope to offer inspiring frameworks, effective tools, and a supportive environment to help you find your way forward on a path that feels meaningful to you.

I would not be here today without much support and generosity from many kind hearts.

My deepest gratitude to each of you.” 

Hagen is a Regenerative Economist, certified Living Your Design Guide, BG5 Career & Business Consultant and Professional Human Design Analyst .

He received direct tutelage in Human Design from Richard Beaumont, Karen Sherwood & Laveena Archers. Since 2021 he has been training with Steven Hoskinson in Organic Intelligence, receiving mentorship from Kevin Lanoue. 

Hagen has worked with a diversity of people worldwide, from tree-climbing jungle kids to city-dwelling Fortune 500 Executives. He is dedicated to the practice of human empowerment, resiliency and post-trauma growth. He loves to walk in nature, to dance, to draw, to play games and enjoys a variety of movement practices such as Feldenkrais and others. 

Hagen offers private sessions and facilitates co-created learning spaces in collaboration with Alannah Hillstrom. Clients receive the benefit of attuned nervous system support as they move through the challenges of their de-conditioning process and personal transformation.



What it's like working together...

“I have been fortunate to work with Hagen, in the areas of both Human Design and Organic Intelligence. He is professional and I trust him.  I can be open and vulnerable with him and feel heard and seen.  I consider myself very lucky to be walking the path alongside Hagen and am grateful for all of his wise and caring support.”

Amy Lang